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Showing posts from February, 2022

How to Make a World Border in Minecraft Bedrock TUTORIAL

How to Make a World Border in Minecraft Bedrock How to Utilize the WorldBorder Control in Minecraft This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /worldborder command with screenshots and footstep-past-step instructions. You tin use the /worldborder command to configure the globe border in a Minecraft world. Let's explore how to utilize this cheat (game control). Supported Platforms The /worldborder command is available in the following versions of Minecraft: Platform Supported (Version*)  Java Edition (PC/Mac) Yeah (1.eight)  Pocket Edition (PE) No  Xbox 360 No  Xbox Ane No

How to Make a Map Bigger in Minecraft TUTORIAL

Minecraft can be considered one of the largest open-globe video games on the market. Since information technology's procedurally generated, there's almost no limit to what players can explore in a unmarried world. However, while this is fun for exploration and adventure, information technology'due south too unsafe, as it'southward extremely easy to become lost in the many biomes. That's why it's always smart to take a map with you. Here is how to arts and crafts, and expand, a map in Minecraft. Crafting your map Crafting a map in Minecraft is requires 2 materials: paper and a compass. These two items aren't just constitute in the world by themselves, however. Y'all'll need to craft each of them before yous can become started on your map. The newspaper is the most crucial ingredient, as you'll demand eight pieces of it to arts and crafts a map. To brand paper, yous need to find nine stems of suga

